Bio: Christian Yongwhan Lim is a Principal Engineer at, an Associate in Computer Science at Columbia University, where he serves as the Head Coach for its ICPC team. He is passionate about teaching competitive programming and volunteers as the ICPC Internship Manager and ICPC Judge for North America Regionals (Mid-Central, North Central, Southern California, and Greater New York) and the North America Qualifier. Christian is one of the trainers at the ICPC North America Championship and North America Programming Camp (NAC-NAPC). He co-leads the Competitive Learning Institute (CLI) Symposium at the ICPC World Finals in Astana and the ICPC Curriculum Committee. Previously, Christian was the Owner of Christian and Grace Consulting, a Research Software Engineer at Google for nearly six years, and a Senior Quantitative Software Engineer at Two Sigma Investments for over six months. He pursued a PhD program in Operations Research at MIT for approximately three years under the guidance of Professor Asuman Ozdaglar. Christian holds a BS in Computer Science and Mathematics (double major) and an MS in Computer Science, both from Stanford University.

Stanford University

@ Stanford Computer Forum (host: Trudy Gonzalez)

@ Stanford ICPC

@ Stanford Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering

@ Stanford Alumni Association (host: Michelle Badger)

CMU - Silicon Valley

@ CMU Career Services (host: Leigh Mason)

Columbia University

@ Columbia Korean Graduate Student Association (KGSA) Career Panel

@ Columbia Research Symposium (host: Emerging Scholars Program)

Princeton University

@ Computer Science (host: Pedro Paredes)

Harvard University

@ Office of Career Services

University of Chicago

@  ICPC (host: Ziyi Zhang)

UC Berkeley

@ ICPC (host: Xavier Plourde)

@ Guest Lecture (host: Park Sinchaisri)

UC Los Angeles


UC San Diego

@ Computer Science (host: Jingbo Shang)


@ Computer Science (host: Mattox Beckman)

Stony Brook

@ Computer Science (host: Rezaul Chowdhury)


@ Computer Science (host: CS Club)


@ Computer Science (host: David Becerra)

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

@ Computer Science

National University of Singapore (NUS)

@ Computer Science (host: Steven Halim)


@ Computer Science (host: Juho Kim)

Seoul National University (SNU)

@ Computer Science (host: Taesup Moon)